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The Attack from Behind

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I think we make one common mistake when we look at Ephesians 6 regarding the armor of God.  While the text particularly focuses on the singularity of our armor; it doesn’t mean we are doing it alone.  Scripture tells us we are in an army against a foe who doesn’t fight fair.  One that uses our wounds against us, the rulers and powers in our life against us, a resounding roaring lion, a deceiver, an accuser of the brethren, etc. etc. etc.


In a war, you belong in an army that is mutually fighting the same adversaries.  You can’t be a legion in of yourself.  It is not possible.  The body of Christ is specifically made to need each other.  While one usually fights in lines facing each other; inevitably the battle will rage all around in a wide circle surrounded.  Movie hype will show a singular person transcending human potential by overcoming the insurmountable attack in some kind of divine moment.  While that makes good for a good profit, but this is completely unrealistic.  However, the more astute scenes show a few companions with their backs to each other covering the barrage from all sides.


We need each other, desperately.


Despite what pain that has been poured out in your life in disappointments and blatant smacks to your importance…  You cannot operate properly in your very relationship with God by walling everyone out.  You will not grow.  You will not thrive.  You will be stagnant and wonder why you flounder.


There is another factor to consider.


While you cannot fight this alone, neither can anyone else.


Do you see someone floundering?  Do you see a flaw(s) in their ways of handling life?  Do you see a huge wound that makes them walk with a gimp?  Do you see a theology that doesn’t line up with scripture due to incomplete teachings?  Do you see misapplied legalistic tendencies?  Do you see bitterness that is eating someone alive?  Is there a Christian leader you see getting off track?


Rather than pointing the finger in condemnation; won’t you pray for your brother(s) and/or sister(s).  No one is perfect.  No one can have every battle in line and be aware of every single combatant ready for an ambush.  Pray for them fervently.  This is not the time to go after those being attacked and deceived, but to realize the craftiness of our enemy.  No one is immune to his deception and he does not play by the rules.

Know your true enemy.  It is never a human being.  That is the ultimate deception.


We can all be struck from behind …blindsided….in the midst of combat.


 For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere.

Ephesians 6:12 (AMP)

Author: tessagroves

Moving closer to myself everyday.

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