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A Prayer to Fast Politics



I pray we take time to remove ourselves way from party lines and even Christian politically based/influenced programs/shows.  To step back and examine where bitterness and unforgiveness have taken place.  That we will see and realize the object of offense.  To do an about-face with demonizing people; organizations of people; religious groups; groups of thoughts/philosophies; or even race.  To realize we align ourselves with The Accuser by condemning God’s creation as demon’s themselves.

Abba, I pray we are able to separate the offense/sin from the human being who commits it.  That nothing is past your restoration.  I pray we are more concerned with how You see Your Creation…their eternal destination that You wish to spend eternity with each of Your Creation.  However, they are unknowingly deceived, bound, damaged, and/or diverted from seeing You correctly.  Without seeing You correctly…how can we expect them to want to follow Your Law?


You are Lover of the Wanderer, the lost sheep, the missing coin…  You pursue the lost passionately and feverently.  You are not concerned with Your level of comfort…or the magnitude of the offense.  You desire none shall perish.  You are not concerned with how right You are, because You have no insecurities of Your righteousness.  You are not threatened by sin.  Instead You pursue the offender even more in tenderness and humility in Agape love; not in condemnation.  You see every individual and group with the Love of an Abba-Father.


Abba, help us to remember the parable of the servant who did not forgive the debt to them immediately after being forgiven an un-payable one.  Help us remember no political stance that harbors anger can display Your righteousness. That no offense to us can out due our grievances against You.  To know You clearly said if we do not forgive another (or hold resentment) that God will not forgive us.

Change our hearts.  Mold us to You.  Remove the scales from our eyes.  Shake our world view to match Yours.  Humble our pride which is an offensive stench in Your nostrils.  We want to be a delight; not a grievance or road block to Your way of higher ways.  Remove our insecurities that so easily entangle us in offense.  Take away the blinders that make us comfortable and satisfied with our blame and finger pointing.  Teach us patient endurance so that we will continue on the right path.  I pray we would be rooted and grounded in love to ALL people(s).  So that we can experience You more fully.  So that our relationship is no longer hindered by our own prejudices hidden deeply in our thoughts and actions.  Remove this rubbage from our hearts that hinders Your Work in our life and thus hinders our effectiveness in our circle(s) of influence.

Abba, make us aware of how foul this stinks up your temple when we worship.  You inhabit the praises of Your people, not in their criticism, condemnation, cynicism, or a critical spirit.  We limit, personally, Your move when we hold onto such embittered anger.  Help us to see this as we received Your love.  Give us ears to hear.  Eyes to see.  A heart of wisdom that isn’t an unbalanced mercy.  Most of all gives us You.

Turn our hearts to prayer with all our grievances instead of anger.  Point this emotion into a more productive tool; rather than a foothold for Satan or a little fox eating away at us slowly.
