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Hopelessness is a Handicap

It is of Jehovah’s lovingkindnesses that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness.

~Lamentations 3:22-23

I’m all for grieving.  In fact you look at the poster child of endorsing the process after being told by so many of my military family that I needed to get over it.  Somehow my “grief” was evidence of my selfishness of wanting my mother to suffer.  I was only 20 when she passed after 13 long years of suffering with Multiple Sclerosis.

Yesterday, however, brought on a different ethos.

The death of Rev. David Wilkerson has significance to me, but not one that brings in the personal emotion.  Teen Challenge is deep in my veins and the many people I’ve seen transformed.  Read his weekly postings (o.k. maybe not every week) and was often inspired by them.  There were things he saw and dared to do in his life that overflowed with Christ’s light and love.  You honestly couldn’t argue with all the good that He did and I consider him in the same category as Mother Teresa.  Going were others do not.  Loving the unlovable.  Seeing God in every human beings eyes.  Treating each mortal as an equal and not a hindrance, but an opportunity to love.

Yet, after reading a few comments on a news article regarding Wilkerson’s death; I was indignant.  A woman had posted how all the “greats” were dying and no one would replace them.  Seeing all the world going to pot.  No one could possibly fill these shoes.  The 2nd Coming of Christ must be near, because all hope was now gone.  Summary…. It was doused was irrevocably despondency.

Where is your God?  No, seriously.  Stop a moment.

Grief, I get that.  I’ve been there done that more times than I care to recount.

But the utter despair as if the world cannot go on, because one man died is extreme.

Where is your trust?    Who were you trusting in?  How big is your God?  Don’t you remember David’s reward?

We don’t need another Wilkerson, God already did that.  We don’t need another Billy Graham, God already did that.  We don’t need another Charles Swindoll, John & Stasi Eldredge, Joyce Meyer, John Bevere, Beth Moore, etc. etc. etc.  Adonai did (and currently doing) what His Word was set out to accomplish to do and it does not end with these “greats”.  No one can deny the great effect each of these had on our cultures and the difference they made.  Yet God the Father calls us to move on in what He has called US to do.  We are not simply recipients to sit while twiddling our fingers.

Hopelessness does not belong in the life of a believer, because it handicaps us into inaction of all the opportunity we are called to serve.  Hopelessness steals our peace and leaves us captive to the Accuser.  Yes, there is a time to grieve.  Yes, there are times of despair.  But it is never hopeless in the light of God’s presence in your life.  Grief is always redemptive when on the true path to healing.

The day after the news of Wilkerson, some old songs came across my path and I couldn’t help but smile at the homecoming her must have received.  There is hope.  Yes, a hope everlasting where death brings life.  Where shall you choose to hang your hat?  Hope that God is bigger than the one man He created to live out a specific purpose and that he can certainly do it again (and already has) as He chooses.


I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel: “As ye deal with my contemners, so with you my grace shall deal;  Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel,  Since God is marching on.”

Glory, glory, hallelujah!

Glory, glory, hallelujah!

Glory, glory, hallelujah!

Since God is marching on.

(The Battle Hymn of the Republic, Julia Ward Howe)

Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth,
Thy own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!

Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness!  Morning by morning new mercies I see;  All I have needed Thy hand hath provided—Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

(Great is Thy Faithfulness, Thomas O. Chisholm)

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Uphill Battle

Note:  You will have forgive my lack of diligence lately and now I am reposting a writing from Early 2010.  I will get back on the blogging bandwagon soon, I promise 😉  God Bless!



Since last year, I’ve had numerous dreams about missing flights due to a horrible experience I had traveling to a wedding in Maine. This included a missed flight, frantic rescheduling, traveling at the the speed of light to another airport 2 hours away, this flight was delayed by mechanical issues and then weather prevented us from landing, only to touch down as my connecting flight was leaving and being stuck overnight in Detroit. It was not one of my better days.

My last dream was a little different. I was on time, but somehow lost my passport. I had stopped to help a mother with her children, but when I looked into my purse, my passport and tickets were gone. Though I was in the terminal already, I could not go anywhere. The plane was in clear sight, but I was not allowed to board. In the dream, I was absolutely flipping out.

The airport nightmares haven’t really struck me as significant until a concept rang something in my heart. I’m trying to leave, to get somewhere, I am at the right place but “something” or “someone” is holding me back. I’m not allowed to board or I can’t get to the plane before it closes its doors.

The people are faceless and oblivious to my panic. No one is aware of my problem. No one helps. I’m stranded. This describes so many blocked goals in my life.

My life has felt like this in so many ways: one life-long-tiring-uphill battle. I feel that way about business meetings at times. I’ve felt that way about my marriage in regards to walking my husband through his recovery process. I’ve tried to do everything that I can to be forgiving and respectful to my biological family and they seem to block any progress we could make. I felt that way walking into Youth Ministry. I want to learn more about my employer’s business, but he doesn’t have time to teach me new skills. I want to soar and watch this positive thing explode into euphoria. Yet current situations stop the dreams; people get in the way and complicate matters; there’s a lull or limbo period; or I’m just too tired to care after awhile.

I can react one of two ways. Give up or keep trying to board that plane. This may take some creativity. The success of boarding may not be the most direct or clean process. However, I know it can be done. In hindsight, there are other routes to my destination and it doesn’t have to be that one at that exact time.

Insight I’ve garnished:
1. Sometimes the hold up is more important than my boarding to my wanted destination.

2. God’s timing is always best, don’t panic.

3. If God wants something to happen, it will. No one or thing can ever stop His Word from accomplishing what “HE” sets outto do.

4. Delays (by our definition) are often divinely inspired.

5. Perseverance develops character.

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. 
Philippians 1:6

The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.
Exodus 14:14

As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is flawless.
Psalm 18:30a

So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. 
Isaiah 55:11

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Memorable . . .

As Facebook typically does; I was recently was reconnected with previous jr. high student that I was a youth leader to.  My college years.  The group of jr. high students who thought I could do no wrong.  My girls considered it a great privilege to have an overnighter at my college dorm room apartment.  Watching them grow and learn and great acceptance of me was nothing I’d ever forget.  Decades of finding no value in myself to have them embrace me with the coolness factor just for being myself.  I made embarrassing them in public by being embarrassing a fine art and they loved it.  Perhaps a small equivalent to being a rock star.

Sara, this beautiful quiet silk haired blonde who had a ton of smarts asked if I remembered her over 10 years later.  The email was almost as if she believed she wasn’t memorable.  To me the whole gang of 20+ jr higher’s were unforgettable.  Observing my struggles after my mother had passed away.  Even sending me encouragement cards. While Sara wasn’t outgoing, but more thoughtful and reserved…  Sara was mature and wiser than her peers.  Sara, I had the most hope for her future.

Yet, what do I say to such a precious soul without sounding accommodating to a low esteem?

The truth.  What I remember.  Spilling it out.

You almost want to scream, “How could you think I wouldn’t remember you?!?!”  Feeling the passion of my Abba, heavenly Father radiate from every fiber of my being.

Halted in thought; I realize I am the same with my Savior.

Not finding myself worth His time.  Believing I am more of an annoyance than a joy.  Believing if I’m not out in front with some kind of worthy recognition; I must not be memorable.

Can you imagine it?  Can you hear His cries deep within His heart?  Do you even find it fathomable He could feel so much love for you?  Picturing His eyes piercing and overflowing with compassion yelling,  Yes…YES… I love you!  Yes, I am here.  Yes, I remember and I have NEVER forgotten.  I have not, can not, and will not ever forget you!

You are memorable.  You are on His mind every moment.  His heart breaks with the shame you feel.

Test it.  See.  Ask Him today what He thinks of you.




For though the mountains should depart and the hills be shaken or removed, yet My love and kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall My covenant of peace and completeness be removed, says the Lord, Who has compassion on you.

Isaiah 54:10 (AMP)